We proudly accept the 2015 Corporate Tribute Award presented by Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCI Ontario) at its 2015 Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2015.
The award recognized our outstanding corporate social responsibility to the SCI Ontario community, not only sponsoring, but attending every peer support function held throughout Central Ontario. We also are active in our support of other SCI Ontario events throughout the year.
About the Corporate Tribute Award
The SCI Ontario Corporate tribute award honors individuals and organizations whose extraordinary contributions to SCI Ontario have made their communities and the world better, and have inspired others.
Howie, Sacks and Henry LLP are great supporters of SCI Ontario. Their level of engagement has increased over the years. They have participated in Ski and Snowboard Day, golf tournaments and our Wheelchair Relay Challenge and StROLL. Most recently, they have taken on the role of Central Ontario Peer Support Sponsors. Their enthusiasm shows as they attend all of the Peer Connections events and help to spread the word about SCI Ontario activities via social media. Howie, Sacks and Henry are highly valued partners and we are thankful for their involvement with SCI Ontario.
About SCI Ontario’s Peer Support Program
SCI Ontario’s Peer Support Program connects people living with spinal cord injuries to fully-trained volunteers who can share their experience and knowledge. We can connect family members, too! We complement professional services provided in acute hospitals, rehabilitation centres and community based health and social service agencies.
Trained Peer Support Volunteers are people with personal experience with an SCI and family members of people with injuries. Our volunteers have “been there; done that” and are willing to help those who are newly injured, and their families, as they adjust to life with an SCI.
For a person with a new SCI, thinking about the challenges of the future can be daunting. But, nobody should have to contemplate these life changes in isolation. By listening, sharing their own experiences and providing practical information, volunteers provide one-to-one support.
“Finding my Peer Support Volunteer was a real turning point for me. He opened my eyes to what was possible. He answered my tough personal questions with honesty and a positive attitude. That made my recovery a whole lot better.” – Kevin
Contact peerconnections@sciontario.org if you think you’d like to talk to someone or to inquire about becoming a volunteer.
For more information about SCI Ontario, click here.
For the 2015 Annual Report, click here.