April 6, 2016 – Trial Teamwork

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law

HSH Partner, Adam Wagman recently spoke to Mick Hassell on The Trial Lawyers Podcast – On The Record about the trial teamwork required for major personal injury trials.

Adam Wagman and Brad Moscato and the team at HSH recently won a near $3 million jury award in a lengthy brain injury trial for their client who was struck with an A-Frame sign on a windy day while walking down King Street in Toronto.

Adam takes us behind the scenes to look at the teamwork involved in taking a major brain injury case to trial.  We talk about everything from witness coordination to document management to getting case law during a break.

To listen to Adam’s interview,  please click here and scroll to the bottom.

About The Podcast

In his podcast, Mick interviews leading trial lawyers in North America to examine what they do to prepare for and conduct trials.

“Picture yourself seated at counsel table in the Courtroom.  The Judge calls upon you.  It’s your turn to examine the witness.  The Jury awaits what is about to be said.  You rise and walk over to the podium.  You’re not going to have a second chance to correct what you say.  Nor is the witness going to have a second chance.  The proceedings are on the record.”

About Adam Wagman

Adam Wagman is a senior partner and the former managing partner at HSH. Adam is recognized as a leader in the legal community. He is currently President-Elect of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA), and will become President of OTLA in 2016.  He is a member of and has held leadership roles in a number of professional associations and organizations.

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