June 6, 2016 – Raise Awareness About Car Insurance Changes in Ontario Before Tragedy Strikes

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law – Adam Wagman
Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law – Adam Wagman

Adam Wagman

Toronto, Ontario, June 6, 2016–Adam Wagman, Senior Partner with Howie, Sacks & Henry, is concerned about the low awareness Ontarians have about the new auto insurance legislation implemented on June 1.

“There have been many reports and stories about the changes to auto insurance over the past few weeks, but many of those stories don’t get to the problem or offer a solution,” says Adam Wagman. “I am concerned Ontarians won’t understand what this really means until someone is catastrophically injured and they won’t have the coverage they need to build their required quality of life.”

Based on a poll undertaken by the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada, 58 per cent of Ontarians are not aware of the changes and most cannot cite the specific changes. The Government of Ontario has taken the current limits of $2 million for Medical & Rehabilitation and Attendant Care benefits available for individuals catastrophically injured in a car accident and slashed them in half, down to only $1 million. While the average driver may see their premiums drop, $1 million in security is a lot to give up for the small savings.

Wagman says, “Call your insurance company or broker to ensure you have coverage for Optional Benefits for Medical Rehabilitation & Attendant Care added back to your policy. For the cost of a few cups of coffee a month, you can make sure that you and your family are protected.” Additional coverage is not expensive, and can give Ontario drivers back the benefits that are now being cut from the basic policy.

About Howie, Sacks & Henry

Howie, Sacks & Henry was formed in 2000. As one of Canada’s top personal injury Law Firms, the Firm’s mission is to handle serious personal injury cases with compassion and professionalism, ensuring that their clients receive adequate compensation for their pain, suffering, damages and future needs.

About Adam Wagman

Mr. Wagman’s practice is devoted to personal injury litigation, accident benefits claims and other disability and insurance litigation. The former managing partner at HS&H, Adam is recognized as a leader in the legal community. He is President of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA).

To schedule a media interview with Mr. Wagman, please contact:

1-877-474-5997 | media@hshlawyers.com

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