On January 11, 2019, an OC Transpo double-decker bus crashed into a bus shelter at Westboro Station in the City of Ottawa. Part of the upper deck of the bus was torn off on impact, killing three people on board and injuring dozens of others.
David Levy, Partner at HSH, was asked by CBC Ottawa to comment on this horrible bus accident and the impact that the legal process (and the length of it) has on victims:
“It is unfortunate (but not surprising) that some of the legal cases remain unresolved after 5 years. That is a function of both the severity and complexity of the injuries suffered, and the lack of adequate judicial resources that would allow these cases to be resolved sooner. Serious injury cases are life-altering and there has always been an imbalance between the impact on a victim and that person’s family, which is so deeply personal, and any impact to an insurance company or institutional defendant, for whom this is strictly business.”
Meghan M. Hull Jacquin, Partner at HSH, handles the case of a catastrophically injured passenger of the Westboro bus crash.
“My client’s life, and her family’s lives, were turned upside down because of this tragedy. But her resilience – and that of her husband and children – has, and will always, inspire me. It has been an honour to support this family in rebuilding their lives – seeking every support possible that will enable them to live as normal a life as possible – though it is a far cry from the lives they would have let had this tragedy not occurred. The experience that HSH brings lessens the imbalance of power: my client’s voice was heard”.
Full article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/westboro-bus-crash-ottawa-transitway-lawsuit-cost-1.7079646