Were you Prescribed Mefloquine while in Military Service? Learn about the Lawsuit

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law – Mefloquine

During the 1990s, it was common for military personnel to be prescribed mefloquine, an antimalarial medication, when deployed to areas around the world where malaria was prevalent. However, issues with the drug have since been discovered causing some to be concerned. In fact, in 2016, Health Canada updated the warning labels for mefloquine, highlighting serious side effects – anxiety, paranoia, depression, hallucinations, psychotic behaviour and thoughts of suicide –which can persist for months or years after taking the drug.

A class action was commenced in 2000 against the Canadian Government; the case was dismissed for delay in April 2018.

HSH has partnered with Waddell Phillips as Co-Counsel to bring forth individual claims for any member, or former member, of Canadian Armed Forces who was ordered to take Mefloquine.  

If you or a loved one is taking or has taken mefloquine  and has experienced harmful side effects associated with its use, HSH personal injury lawyers Paul Miller and Michael Henry can help you to identify whether you may benefit from taking part in this legal action.

What’s Being Done?

By prescribing mefloquine without following proper procedure for a clinical trial, and failing to inform our forces of the side effects, members of the military have suffered debilitating medical symptoms, some serious with long-term impact. HSH lawyers Paul Miller and Michael Henry, along with Waddell Phillips, want to hold the Canadian Government accountable.

The objective of the mefloquine lawsuit in Canada is to help its victims receive compensation for the drug’s harmful effects and for being part of a clinical trial that didn’t follow proper procedure despite potential risks. As a mass tort litigation, cases proceed on an individual basis.

Helping You

HSH lawyers can help you create a claim for compensation and damages based on the pain, suffering and losses you have experienced after experiencing side effects from a drug. If you or a loved one has been prescribed mefloquine and have experienced harm as a result, HSH can explain your rights and determine whether you may benefit from participating in this mass tort litigation.

Learn More

Click here to learn more about the Mass Tort Action and Town Hall Meetings in your area.

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