Lexpert Recommends HSH Partners

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law
Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law – James R. Howie

James R. Howie

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law – Adam Wagman

Adam Wagman

We are pleased to announce that partners James R. Howie and Adam K. Wagman have again been “Consistently Recommended” in the 2015 Lexpert Directory. James has appeared on this list since the Directory was first launched in 1997.

The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory comprises the results of an extensive peer survey. This comprehensive guide to legal talent in Canada identifies leading lawyers in over 60 practice areas across the country.

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Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine

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