June 3, 2015 – Coalition Rallied to Protect Accident Victims at Queens Park

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law – News

IMG_0788A group called the Accident Benefit Coalition, comprised of concerned citizens and organizations, held a rally at Queen’s Park on June 3rd, gathering hundreds of concerned citizens.  At issue is Ontario Government proposed regulatory changes that will dramatically reduce car insurance benefits, leaving many accident victims without the services needed to recover or the support that will be required.

Under the Wynne government’s changes:

  • for the most severely injured, those with brain and spinal cord injuries for example, benefits will be capped at $1 million rather than the current $2 million
  • others will see their total benefits reduced from $86,000 to $65,000, and cut off altogether after five years (instead of the current 10 years)


The rally sponsor MPP Jagmeet Signh entered a copy of the petition into the Ontario Legislature later that day. Video

You can still join the 20,000+ supporters by signing the petition, and follow the discussion on Twitter at #rally4accidentvictims

Press Coverage

Toronto Sun – article

About the Accident Benefit Coalition

The Accident Benefit Coalition consists of a membership of Ontarians concerned with issues surrounding the province’s mandatory Accident Benefits. It was founded by NeuroConnect and FAIR Assocation and is commited to advocating for Accident Victims in Ontario.

For more information visit www.accidentbenefitcoalition.com

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