Paul Miller Appears on Elawvate Podcast

Justice for Victims of Havana Syndrone with Paul Miller

“The fact that the Canadian government knew as far back as April 10, 2017 and took no steps to warn the diplomats and the family members of what was at risk, to me is a huge failure on their part. They need to compensate these people. And they are doing everything to delay, delay and delay.” – Paul Miller 

Paul Miller recently sat down with the hosts of Elawvate, Join Rahul and Ben, to discuss the Mass Tort lawsuit, and Paul’s efforts to find justice for Canadian diplomats. 

The diplomats have been diagnosed with “Havana syndrome,” which neurologists say is medically similar to a concussion but without physical trauma, and which U.S. researchers have speculated may have been the result of some sort of energy weapon.

Symptoms of the Havana Syndrome include: 

  • Cognition (e.g., related to memory and concentration)
  • Dizziness and balance
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Light and sound sensitivities
  • Nausea
  • Ringing in the ears, which is called tinnitus
  • Sleep impairment

“You start hearing high-pitched noise grinding sounds; you don’t know what’s going on. You get dizzy, you get headaches, bloody noses, (and) throwing up. Sometimes, we have had people get better right away. But we have a cohort of people who have had lasting symptoms.” – Paul Miller 

Listen to the full episode here 

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