June 9-10, 2018 — James Howie Rode 200 km in the Enbridge Ride To Conquer Cancer

Enbridge Ride To Conquer Cancer logo

HSH Founding Partner James Howie participated in the Enbridge Ride again this year, the 11th anniversary of the ride.

The Ride is 200-kilometre cycling journey through the Canadian countryside, this year held on June 9th and 10th. The ride raised $18.33 million this year and $194 million dollars over the past 11 years.

Jim at the finish line in Niagara Falls

The point, of course, is to honour those who have had the misfortune to have had cancer come in to their lives, and to honour their courageous struggles. In particular, Jim rides to honour three people: his assistant for 30 years, Anna, who has had her struggle with cancer result in successful remission, his partner’s mother who passed away in 2014 from cancer, and his father, who has several forms of cancer currently being treated.  Jim’s donation campaign raised $11, 500.

You Can Still Make A Difference

You can still support Jim by visiting his personal donation page.


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