June 9, 2014 – HSH Supports Dr. Jay Golf Classic

Dr Jay Foundation

Dr. Jay Golf ClassicThe partners of Howie, Sacks & Henry are pleased to continue their support of the annual Dr. Jay Golf Classic which was held this year at the Thornhill Golf and Country Club. Our donation to the Silent Auction table was two great seats (valued at $300) to a Raptors game in the 2014 – 2015 season.  Click here for more information about the tournament.

This Year in Memory of Olivia Wise

Olivia Wise passed late last year after suffering with brain cancer. Olivia was universally admired and her specific case received considerable attention after a video was published of Olivia performing Katy Perry’s hit song “Roar”, followed by the pop star’s online response and further publicity. Her family continues to receive support from the Grief Program and wishes to raise funds for the centre through their LivWise Fund.

About the Dr. Jay Foundation

The Dr. Jay Charitable Foundation was the dream of four long-time golfing buddies, Bob Goodman, Stuart Levinsky, Steve Zinberg and Jay Bacher. It began in 1996 as The Dr. Jay Golf Classic. “The Jay” has since grown in scope and stature to become a registered Charitable Foundation. Since the first Dr. Jay Golf Classic in 1996 the tournament has raised over $3,500,000. Little did these four friends know how far their dream would grow.

Children’s Grief Support
The Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Program provides support and education to children and their families when a significant person in their life is dying or has died. Counsellors provide guidance on the needs of these bereaved children and young people.
The charity hosts special group events to bring together children and families who have had similar experiences, including a weekend-long bereavement camp called Camp Erin Toronto. This gives them the opportunity to meet other young people and lets them know they are not alone.

For more information about the Dr. Jay Foundation

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