June 5, 2015 – HSH Participated at Georgian Auto Show Showcasing Accessible Vehicles

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Personal Injury Law

As part of our ongoing commitment to Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Ontario, we were pleased to join them for their Accessible Vehicle Show on Friday, June 5th at the Georgian College Auto Show.

The event included:

  • What’s new in accessible vehicle conversions
  • Talk to clients with their own modified vehicles
  • Barrie City Transit vehicles
  • Classic cars converted
  • A look at an accessible RV, converted motorcycles and much more

For more details, please visit the Georgian College Website.

Our Relationship with SCI Ontario

We are proud to partner with the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Ontario in a shared belief that with the right support Ontarians living with SCI become highly valued and contributing citizens. SCI Ontario recognizes that HSH shares their commitment to assisting Ontarians living with SCI and other physical disabilities. This partnership provides us with the opportunity to visibly align our work in this area. Peer Support Program HSH is proud to have been invited by Spinal Cord Injury Ontario to support their Peer Support Program. This program connects families affected by spinal cord injury with trained volunteers who have faced many of the same challenges. We are committed to SCI Ontario’s vision “to champion excellence in service, advocacy and quality of life for people with spinal cord injuries.” Visit the Spinal Cord Injury Ontario website for more information.

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