April 28, 2018 – HSH Supports St Clare Inn’s Black and White, Oh What a Night!

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Howie, Sacks & Henry is proud to have been a Black Tie Sponsor of “Black & White, Oh What a Night!” by At. Clare Inn.

Hosted by CTV Toronto’s Michelle Dubé, this Spring Fundraiser featured fun entertainment, food offerings, and a silent and live auction with proceeds going towards supporting homeless women with mental health challenges.

About St. Clare Inn:

St. Clare Inn offers accommodation to women between the ages of 30 and 60, who are homeless and struggling with mental health challenges. The Inn is not a shelter; it is a transitional home and a place where women can live with dignity while rebuilding their lives.

Share April 28, 2018 – HSH Supports St Clare Inn’s Black and White, Oh What a Night!

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