November 5, 2015 – Meghan Hull Jacquin Spoke at OBA Motor Vehicle Tort Litigation Seminar

As part of the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) continuing education series,  the OBA hosted “Motor Vehicle Tort Litigation in Ontario:  Critical Updates.”

In the past year, there have been many significant motor vehicle accident cases heard by the Ontario courts. An expert panel of insurance law practitioners addressed the impact and significance of the decisions helping to:
• Understand the recent case law on expert evidence and the proper use of surveillance evidence
• Stay on top of the developments in the ever-evolving threshold analysis
• Assess the impact of the top auto cases of the Superior Court and the Court of Appeal
• Gain a unique perspective from both plaintiff and defence on the issues unique to motor vehicle accident litigation

Our own Meghan Hull Jacquin presented “Top 10 Tort Cases in Motor Vehicle Litigation: Plaintiff and Defence Perspectives.”

This program contained 0.5 Professionalism Hours
This program was eligible for up to 3.5 Substantive Hours

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