November 26, 2015 – Neil Sacks Presented On Successful Settlements at Osgoode

Neil Sacks  presented at the Successful Settlements: Strategies & Tactics for Civil Litigators.  The event was held at the Osgoode Professional Development Centre.

With 96% of civil cases settling before judgement, it’s critical to maximize your understanding of key settlement issues and techniques.   The program  addressed:

  • The psychological factors that impel a party towards settling or resisting settlement
  • Adjusting your settlement strategies to specific contexts (personal injury, commercial, employment, estates and construction disputes)
  • The growing use of settlement counsel in conjunction with litigation counsel – what it means for clients and counsel
  • Apps and social media as useful settlement tools
  • Surmounting potential pitfalls in drafting offers to settle, minutes of settlement and releases
  • Using the courts to enforce the settlement or to interpret its terms (including the impact of Union Carbide (SCC) on settlement privilege and its exceptions)

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