May 31, 2018 – Jim Howie Speaks at “The Post-Concussion Syndrome: Medical Debate and Legal Discussion”

Personal injury lawyer and firm founder Jim Howie will be participating in a combined Medical Legal/Traumatic Brain Injury Special Interest Group video conference taking place Thursday, May 31, 2018 from  2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST. .

The session title is “The Post-Concussion Syndrome: Medical Debate and Legal Discussion.”

Speakers include:

  • Mr. James R. Howie
  • Dr. Mark Bayley
  • Dr. Shawn Marshall
  • Dr. Lyle Gross
  • Dr. Chantal Vaidyanath

Share May 31, 2018 – Jim Howie Speaks at “The Post-Concussion Syndrome: Medical Debate and Legal Discussion”

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