June 13, 2019 – Valérie Lord to Co-Chair Anatomy of a CPSO Complaint: Perspectives from MDs and Counsel

HSH Associate Valérie Lord will be co-chairing the event Anatomy of a CPSO Complaint: Perspectives from MDs and Counsel, held by the Medico-Legal Society of Toronto. This will be the first in an event series aimed at Young Practitioners.

In carrying out their mandate to protect and serve the public interest, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario’s (CPSO) investigates complaints made against physicians and conducts disciplinary hearings when physicians may have committed an act of professional misconduct – a process that can be challenging for physicians, and features complexities of which that counsel should be aware. This event will feature a panel discussion between experienced lawyers and physicians who are experts in medicolegal issues. An interactive discussion will provide young physicians and young lawyers with information about how CPSO proceedings work, what to expect, and strategies to successfully navigate the process.


Thursday, June 13, 2019 | Vantage Venues, 150 King Street West, Toronto
5:30 – 8:00pm | Light refreshments will be served

For more details including registration, click here.

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