February 5, 2019 – Meghan Hull-Jacquin Speaks at OBA Insurance Law

Personal Injury Lawyer Meghan Hull-Jacquin will be speaking at the Ontario Bar Association’s programme on Insurance Law. This session will go over the personal injury lawyer’s guide to closing a file. Experienced faculty will walk attendees through the mechanics of getting the deal done and closing a file, without the extra cost and time of ending up in court.

Meghan will be speaking on the topic of Structured Settlements, Death of Clients and Court Approval:

  • What are structured settlements and when should you consider obtaining one?
  • How do you continue an action when a client dies and under whose name do you use?
  • When should you obtain court approval?
  • What is required and how long does it take to get court approval?

Additional topics covered will include:

  • Preliminary Stages of Settling a Case
  • Releases, Unusual Settlements and Paying Money into Court

When: Tuesday, February 5, 2019|1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Where: OBA Conference Centre, 20 Toronto Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5C 2B8

Program contains:0h 15m of Professionalism Content, 2h 45m of Substantive Content
For more information, click here.

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