April 28, 2016 – James R. Howie At Canadian Defense Lawyers Conference


L-R: Philippa Samsworth, Jim Howie

JimApril27CDL1James R. Howie spoke at the Canadian Defense Lawyers Accident Benefits Spring Symposium – 2016. This conference explored “Ancient History or Back to the Future? What You Need to Know in the World of Accident Benefits.

As part of a panel discussion entitled “Here Kitty Kitty: When will we ever get the cat out of the tree,” Jim and the panel members provided an exciting, audience interactive discussion with respect to the new changes to catastrophic impairment coming in June 1, 2016.


  • Accident Benefits Post April 1, 2016
  • Legislative Changes to the Insurance Act and Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule
  • The New LAT process
  • The New catastrophic definition
  • The Latest in Priority and Loss Transfer Disputes
  • Best Practices for Insurers and Practitioners in the New Regime

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