February 25, 2016: Jim Howie and Brad Moscato Spoke at Insurance Institute Seminar

James Howie and Brad Moscato spoke at the recent seminar presented by the Insurance Institute of Ontario.  They sat on the panel for discussion on assessments of damages and liability in relation to specific fact scenarios.

The panel discussion capped off a two day educational seminar on “Understanding Case Law”.

About the Seminar: Understanding Case Law

Understanding Case Law is a two-day program that will equip participants to effectively prepare a comprehensive file in anticipation of negotiation, settlement or litigation. This seminar is the third installment of the Understanding Series is primarily suited for adjusters and claims professionals who want to gain the knowledge and skills to expertly find, interpret, and apply case law. Using case law and understanding its impact can mitigate the claims settlement process.

About the Insurance Institute

The Insurance Institute is the premier source of professional education and career development for the country’s property and casualty insurance industry. Established in 1899, the Institute is a not-for-profit organization serving more than 39,000 members across Canada through 19 volunteer-driven provincial institutes and chapters. Over 20,000 of those members are students and more than 17,000 are graduates who have earned the Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) designation or Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP) designation. They are a founding member of the Institute for Global Insurance Education (IGIE).

Click here to learn more about the Ontario Chapter

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