December 6, 2020 – New Answers in the Havana Syndrome Investigation

canadian embassy in havana

Howie, Sacks & Henry Partner Paul Miller comments on a newly-released American State Department report that concludes that “directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy” was the most likely cause of neurological symptoms experienced by diplomats and their families serving in Havana in 2016.

This new understanding may help to develop more effective treatment options for the Canadian diplomats and their families who have also experienced debilitating concussion-like symptoms.

HSH is representing a group of Canadian diplomats who have filed a suit against the federal government, alleging Ottawa has failed to help them properly address the brain injuries they suffered while they were posted to Cuba. HSH Partner Paul Miller commented on the new findings and whether they may help Canadian diplomats and other victims understand the nature of their brain injuries.

Paul is interviewed at the 13:00 mark in this CTV News video.

See also this related CTV News report and this 580 CFRA interview.

For more information and media coverage please see our Havana Syndrome page.

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