Hernias and Defective Hernia Mesh Side-Effects

Inguinal Hernia Surgery

A hernia can occur in any part of the body where organs or tissue push through a muscle wall or exits a body cavity where they are normally held in place. They are most often found in the abdomen or groin, however. In this blog post I review different types of hernias and defective hernia mesh products.

Common Types of Hernias

Inguinal Hernias

By far the most common type of hernias, these hernias occur in the inguinal canal in the pubic area or just above the leg crease. They are more frequently found in men than women because prior to birth a man’s testicles will descend and leave an internal inguinal ring that can develop into a hernia if it doesn’t close.

Femoral Hernias

Like inguinal hernias, femoral hernias occur in the pubic and groin area. These hernias, which occur below the groin crease, usually affect women during or following pregnancy. If the intestinal sac falls into the femoral canal, a person is at greater risk of organ strangulation.

Epigastric Hernias

Less common than hernias below the navel, epigastric hernias occur when body fat pushes through the muscles or tendons in the upper abdomen. While generally small and often causing no noticeable symptoms, pain at the site of the hernia is possible.

Umbilical Hernias

Occurring near the navel, umbilical hernias are common among infants and often resolve on their own within a few years. Residually weakness around the bellybutton can cause umbilical hernias in adults that require corrective surgery.

Incisional/Ventral Hernias

Hernias that occur at the site of an abdominal incision (previous surgery) are called ventral hernias. It may take anywhere from weeks to years for these hernias to develop, but when they do they have a very high risk of recurrence and can result in significant complications.

Hiatal Hernias

Unlike other abdominal hernias that usually affect the intestines, hiatal hernias occur when the stomach pushes the diaphragm into the chest. A common symptom of this type of hernia is heartburn caused by acid reflux from the stomach to the esophagus.

Defective Hernia Mesh Side-Effects

Surgical mesh products have been used for years in corrective surgeries for all of these kinds of hernias and some manufacturers have designed specific mesh products for use in surgeries in particular parts of the body. Unfortunately, defective mesh products have been known or suspected to cause or contribute to many complications due to their design, material or even packaging.

These complications include:

  • higher recurrence rates,
  • inflammation from immune response,
  • chronic pain,
  • mesh migration,
  • organ perforation,
  • infections,
  • abscesses,
  • scarring,
  • adhesions,
  • fistulas,
  • hematoma,
  • extrusion,
  • erosion,
  • and intestinal blockages.

Many defective mesh products have been subject to voluntary recalls by manufacturers or mandated recalls by health regulatory bodies, but some products known or suspected to cause these side-effects still remain on the market.

What If I Experience These Side-Effects After A Hernia Mesh Operation?

If you or a loved one has had a hernia operation where surgical mesh was used and you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor or surgeon. Hernia recurrence or reparative surgery to remove defective mesh can result in pain, suffering, and the risk of more complications. Whatever the type of hernia you or a loved one has or has had, complications from defective mesh should never be considered a normal or expected consequence of surgery.

An experienced personal injury lawyer who specializes in medical product liability can inform you of your legal rights and listen to your story to help determine what courses of action may be possible. I would be pleased to speak with you about your case.

To learn more about the Hernia Mesh Lawsuit in Canada, please contact hernia mesh lawyer Paul Miller at 416-646-3901 or by email at pmiller@hshlawyers.com.

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