If you’ve suffered the discomfort or pain of a hernia, you may have been excited to learn that a surgical procedure involving a medical mesh product could help ease your suffering. Sadly, not all surgical mesh products corrected the condition.
Hernia Discomfort and Pain
Instead of easing pain and suffering, design flaws in some products have caused some patients to feel worse.
A hernia is the displacement of an organ that occurs when the muscle walls that usually keep this tissue in place are torn or weakened. There are many kinds of hernia, but they usually affect the abdominal or groin area. A fairly common condition, hernias can cause pain, visible lumps, and feelings of burning or pressure. They do not heal on their own and can worsen over time. Some hernias can be quite serious and, as such, may need to be surgically repaired.
Many hernia surgeries now involve the use of surgical mesh, a loosely woven sheet made of either natural or synthetic material that is used as a bridge over torn or weakened tissue. However, some hernia mesh products may have proven to be defective and have been the subject of Health Canada and FDA recalls. Defective mesh products can not only worsen the usual complications from surgery, they can cause additional problems such as chronic pain, perforation of skin and organs, and mesh migration or shrinkage.
Hernia Mesh Complications
If you have had hernia surgery involving mesh, you shouldn’t worry unnecessarily. Not all patients will experience side effects or complications even if a recalled mesh product was used. However, symptoms such as pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, and inability to pass stools, or a lump forming at the site of the surgery should prompt you to seek medical attention.
If you have been experienced complications from defective hernia mesh, you may have legal recourse. More information can be found in the full blog post.
For more information, please contact product liability lawyer Paul Miller at 416 646-3901 or at pmiller@hshlawyers.com.