June 8, 2016 – D. Joel Dick Spoke at Canadian Bar Association on Bringing and Defending Summary Judgment Motions Under the OPCF 44R: What is “Other Material Evidence”?

HSH Associate D. Joel Dick spoke at the upcoming CBA seminar on OPCF 44R: What is “Other Material Evidence”?

Interlocutory motions dealing with underinsured motorist coverage are growing. This event covered the latest update in the law, and practical tips and strategies in bringing and defending summary judgment motions for underinsured and/or unidentified coverage under the OPCF 44R Family Protection Coverage.

Some of the topics covered were:

• An overview of OPCF 44R wording and provide an update on the latest cases
• What evidence is necessary: Dealing with the hard cases
• The plaintiff’s perspective including practical tips for plaintiffs resisting summary judgment motions
• Best practices for addressing questions from the Bench during oral submissions


Date: June 8, 2016

Location: 20 Toronto Street, 2nd Floor

Agenda: Click Here

Cost: $85 for members, $45 for students or $125 for non-members

CPD: 1.25 substantive hours / .25 professionalism hours

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