October 6, 2015 – Brad Moscato Presented at Schedule 2 Employers’ Group Conference


 Brad Moscato spoke at the Schedule 2 Employers’ Group conference, at this session in the legal/policy section:

Be In The Know: Employers Right of Subrogration  (19009)

Schedule 2 employers are keen to have election forms signed so that they can exercise their subrogation rights in appropriate cases, to sue 3rd parties to recover the costs of their employee’s injury, however, the vast majority of Schedule 2 employers don’t actually follow through with such law limits. Learn more about your rights of recovery under these circumstances.

About the Conference

Hosted by the Schedule 2 Employers’ Group, this highly anticipated annual event attracted over 400 industry professionals from across Ontario who see this as their best opportunity all year to collaborate and strategize on current trends and important issues related to workplace health and safety, workers’ compensation and disability management.

Not just for Schedule 2 employers, this event is also recognized by many Schedule 1 employers as the preeminent event in Ontario for cost-effective, premium-quality education on workplace Wellness, Health & Safety and Disability Management. (What is Schedule 2?)

With the theme Mindful @Work, the 2015 program will offer some sessions with a special focus on Mental Health in the Workplace.

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