What kind of benefits am I entitled to after a car accident?

I’m often asked exactly what kind of benefits a person is entitled to if they are involved in a car accident. If you are involved in a car accident or injured by a car you are entitled to what is called Accident Benefits.

These benefits are paid pursuant to a Schedule that was created by the Ontario Government. All automobile insurance policies have accident benefits as part of the policy.

There are certain minimum benefits you are entitled to. Some people have paid for enhanced coverage and have increased benefits, but most people have not.

If you are involved in an accident, under the standard policy you are entitled to receive payment for lost income up to $400.00 per week and medical expense coverage up to $3,500.00 if you are placed in the minor injury category.

If your injury is serious enough to get you out of the minor injury guideline, your benefit level increases to $65,000.00 for various expenses.

If you are very seriously injured, or what is considered to be Catastrophic, then you have access to up to a million dollars of certain benefits.

Injured individuals may even have needs and losses that exceed the benefit levels they have for medical expenses, or they have care needs, or an income loss that is more than the $400.00 per week.

In all cases, injured individual should always consult a lawyer because depending on how the accident happened, you would also be entitled to receive compensation over and above the available accident benefits in a lawsuit against the at fault driver.

So if you or a family member have been involved in an accident, feel free to call or email me to discuss your rights. The consultation is free and I look forward to hearing from you.

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Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine