Howie, Sacks & Henry Reunions

Jim Howie and Rory

A horrific car accident left Rory a quadriplegic with severe brain injuries. Unable to care for himself, his family wanted Rory to live at home. Jim Howie engineered a settlement that achieved that with round-the-clock care. Watch their touching reunion.
Adam Wagman and Bob

One of the top motorcycle instructors in Ontario, Bob’s catastrophic motorcycle accident left him a quadriplegic. Adam Wagman battled Bob’s insurance company to get him what he needs to still enjoy the great outdoors. Watch their touching reunion.
David Levy and Alison

Alison was hit by a car while standing on a sidewalk which resulted in losing her ability to walk. David Levy made it possible to provide Alison with years of rehabilitation so that she can walk again. Watch their touching reunion.
Jim Howie and Amy

After a bad motorcycle accident, Amy lost much of the mobility in her left leg. Jim Howie fought to make it possible for her to avoid Canada’s cold winters and get her lifestyle back. Watch their touching reunion.
David Levy and Beulah

Despite a significant emotional illness, Beulah was denied long-term disability benefits from the very insurance company she had a working relationship with. David Levy took on her insurance company, fought for her benefits and got her life back. Watch their touching reunion.
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Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

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