Medical Malpractice Lawyers Ottawa

Need legal advice from a medical malpractice lawyer?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Ottawa.

Servicing Ottawa and all of Ontario

The birth rate in Canada has been declining for years, but if you take a walk along the Rideau Canal and count the strollers or spot all the baby and maternity stores popping up in Ottawa you may not believe that statistic. Ottawa, like much of Canada, is in the midst of what’s been called a “baby boomlet.” The children of baby boomers are themselves having kids within a window of a few years.

Medical Malpractice and Birth Injuries

While welcoming these bouncing bundles of joy into the world is overwhelmingly a happy occasion, there are times when joy turns to grief and anger. Serious birth injuries – to babies and mothers – are thankfully rare; but when they do occur, they can lead to lifetimes of pain, suffering and hardship.

Birth injuries to a newborn often take the form of neurological disorder or brain injury. If the child receives blunt force trauma to the head from forceps extraction, prolonged head compression in the birth canal, or oxygen deprivation/asphyxia, they experience brain malformation or deformation, brain tissue damage, fluid build-up or bleeding in the brain. Common types of birth injuries include: cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus and other related palsies. Other physical injuries, including broken bones and lacerations, fetal or maternal infections, and anesthesia injuries during C-sections.

Medical Malpractice By The Numbers

While some mistakes are understandable and certain injuries are unavoidable, when a medical professional or facility breaches standard care practices and it results in injury or death it’s called medical malpractice. Whether birth-related, or injuries sustained by other patients during the course of their care, one in 13 patients will experience adverse events during their treatment and 40 percent of these incidents are considered preventable. Negligence causing adverse events in hospitals and other medical facilities cause tens of thousands of injuries and deaths in Canada each year. Sadly, Ottawa is not immune to these tragic statistics.

When You Need A Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience helping clients in Ottawa who have sustained injuries in medical environments. With expertise in cases involving complex injuries, our team is well prepared to assist you as you seek compensation for the harm and damage that has been done to you or a loved one as a result of negligence.

HSH medical malpractice lawyers have developed a reputation for our compassion and care with clients, and for our determination and preparedness in the courtroom and during settlement negotiations with insurers. Our trusted lawyers are always available to meet you in your own home in the Ottawa area or at a nearby consultation office, so you’ll never need to worry about travelling great distances for high quality legal advice and representation.

If you or a loved one has sustained an acquired brain injury, spinal cord damage, birth injuries, medication errors, or other serious injury as a result of medical malpractice, you are not alone. With HSH medical malpractice lawyers as your legal advocates, you can be confident that we will be by your side as you make a claim for compensation and damages to assist you on the road to recovery.

News You Can Use

Looking to work with a medical malpractice lawyer in Ottawa? Contact Us.

We service the Ottawa and surrounding area, including Lanark, Carlton and Renfrew counties. When you think Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ottawa, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a medical malpractice lawyer in Ottawa? Contact Us.

Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine