Medical Malpractice Lawyer Leamington

Need legal advice from a medical malpractice lawyer?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Leamington.

Servicing Leamington and all of Ontario

Learning that you have a serious medical condition can be distressing, especially in something as invasive of surgery is required to correct the problem. However, we hold our highly-trained medical practitioners in high esteem, trust their judgment, and have confidence that hospitals maintain standards of care designed to ensure patient safety.

When this system’s checks and balances fail, a distressing situation can become devastating as one Leamington woman recently learned. A doctor’s incorrect reading of a hospital report led the woman to be misdiagnosed with breast cancer; she received an unnecessary mastectomy. Once the news became public, many other patients requested their own records fearing they may have experienced a similar situation.

The Difference Between Medical Mistakes And Malpractice

Everyone, including skilled medical professionals, is capable of making a mistake. Some of these errors are unavoidable, but research suggests 70,000 Canadians will experience preventable adverse events that cause serious harm in hospitals and acute care facilities every year. Sadly, approximately 23,000 of these patients will die as a result of these events.

If standards of care are breached due to negligence and a patient suffers serious injury, disability or death, it’s called medical malpractice. Often medical malpractice results not just from a single error, but a systemic breakdown when standard practices are not applied and checks and balances fail.

Common types of medical malpractice include: surgical errors (operating on the wrong patient or part of the body, leaving objects in the body, poor technique and practice leading to infection or injury); medication errors (incorrectly prescription, dose or method of delivery medication); misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis (due to improper or incomplete testing); and birth injuries (cerebral palsy, brachial palsy and shoulder dystocia and scarring).

Adverse events due to negligence can cause acquired brain injuries, spinal cord and nerve damage and other serious injury that may result in permanent disability or death. Victims of medical malpractice often require significant financial and other resources to assist in their recovery, long-term care, or to ensure they can maintain a decent quality of life in the aftermath of one of these tragedies.

Help For The Injured in Leamington

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s experienced medical malpractice lawyers can help Leamington residents to make a claim for compensation and damages for the pain, suffering, and loss they have incurred. Our knowledgeable team has the expertise to handle complex cases in this challenging area of law.

Our team of medical malpractice lawyers will be pleased to meet you in your home in Leamington or at a nearby consultation office. With a well-earned reputation among our past clients for the compassion and care we bring to our interactions, you can feel at ease while telling us your story and asking for trusted legal advice. HSH’s personal injury lawyers understand how overwhelming and difficult it can be to contemplate legal action when you or a loved one has been hurt and may still be coming to terms with what happened to you. We empathise with you and will work to ensure you feel confident about the process and assured you have strong legal representation.

As your advocate, we will build a strong case and claim in hopes of negotiating a fair and just settlement with an insurance provider. These companies know that HSH’s medical malpractice lawyers have no hesitation about going to bat for our clients in court if we believe their offer doesn’t meet your needs and provide the assistance you deserve.

Your Legal Advocates

When a medical mistake turns out to be something even more troubling – medical malpractice – victims and their loved ones in Leamington can trust HSH’s skillful personal injury lawyers to help them try to right a terrible wrong and set themselves up on a path to recovery.

News You Can Use

Former Leamington Hospital Chief of Staff Disciplined After Botched Surgery.” Read the Article on CBC.

Looking to work with a medical malpractice lawyer in Leamington? Contact Us.

When you think Medical Malpractice Lawyer Leamington, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a medical malpractice lawyer in Leamington? Contact Us.

Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine