Medical Malpractice Lawyer Barrie

Need legal advice from a medical malpractice lawyer?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Barrie.

Servicing Barrie and all of Ontario

When Barrie residents enter local hospitals or other acute medical care facilities, they are often either unwell and hoping to treatment to help get better or they are in good health and looking to stay that way through preventative medicine and routine testing. It’s unlikely any patient ever enters a hospital expecting the care they receive during their stay could make matters worse or result in a serious injury of death.

But research indicates that one out of every 18 patients will experience a preventable adverse event while in these acute-care facilities that cause them harm. For tens of thousands of people these events can cause serious injuries resulting in disability. And for a staggering 23,000 people, the ultimate outcome of these events is an untimely death. Unfortunately, medical facilities in Barrie are not immune to these problems.

Not Just An Accident

Mistakes and accidents happen – it’s part of being human. Even highly-trained medical professionals can make unintentional errors that cause damage. But when a breach in the standards of practice due to negligence is the reason for an accident, it’s called medical malpractice.

Common types of injuries sustained at hospitals and acute care centres due to medical malpractice include acquired brain injuries, spinal cord or nerve damage, severe infection or birth injuries (such as brachial palsy and shoulder dystocia). These, and other injuries can occur from surgery or medical procedures, from medication errors (wrong dose or wrongly administered), or from misdiagnosis (delayed diagnosis or improper testing).

Legal Remedies For Your Pain and Suffering

If you or a loved one has sustained a serious and preventable injury at a medical centre from someone’s negligence, you can make a claim for compensation and damages. Medical malpractice is a complex area of law and it’s important to ensure you have experienced, knowledgeable and effective legal representation and advocacy.

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s medical malpractice lawyers have the expertise to help you get the financial resources you need while on the road to recovery. Our caring and compassionate team will gladly meet you in your home or at a nearby consultation office to listen to your story and offer information and advice.

We understand the great sadness, anger and frustration that comes after an debilitating injury or the death of a loved one. At HSH we always treat our clients as people first and never think of you as just another case.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Hospitals and medical facilities are filled with doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who aim to provide high quality care. But when professional standards of care are not met, and you are injured due to someone’s negligence, HSH’s medical malpractice lawyers can be counted on to support you in and around the Barrie area. Together, we will keep the medical system accountable to its patients and seek to get the compensation you need to help you recover.

Looking to work with a medical malpractice lawyer in Barrie? Contact Us.

We service Barrie and Simcoe County. When you think Medical Malpractice Lawyer Barrie, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a medical malpractice lawyer in Barrie? Contact Us.

Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine