Disability Lawyer Sarnia

Need legal advice about short- and long-term disabilities?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Sarnia.

Servicing Sarnia and all of Ontario

It’s become much more common to hear a person say they’re taking a “mental health day” from work. Education and awareness campaigns have not only helped to challenge the stigma associated with mental illness, but also taught individuals about the need to be proactive when it comes to managing their mental health.

Many businesses and employers have embraced this idea too. Every week at least half a million Canadians will miss work due to mental health concerns, and residents of Sarnia are no exception. While only a day or two of rest and recalibration may be needed before a return to work is possible, sometimes conditions such as mood or anxiety disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress from workplace sexual harassment or assault, or fibromyalgia (chronic pain) may necessitate and extended leave.

Short-term and Long-term Disability Benefits

If an employee is covered by a private group insurance plan (where they or their employer pays premiums), and regular sick days don’t enough time to heal or manage symptoms related to their condition, they may qualify for short-term disability benefits based on advice and reports from their medical practitioner. For period of up to 15 weeks to a year, these benefits provide a portion (average 70%) or all of their regular earning while they’re away from their job and additional health care benefits.

When the short-term leave period is coming to an end and a person’s illness or condition is still preventing them from returning to work, a long-term disability application begins. Insurers tend to require more documentation to approve long-term benefits, including independent medical evaluations and tests. They may also put an applicant under surveillance as they assess a claim.

Denials Can Be Devastating, But Their Is Hope

Many deserving claimants do receive the benefits they need to continue to focus on their health and well-being by taking additional time away from work. However, sometimes a person in need is denied LTD benefits because an insurer determines they are not disabled or not disabled enough to receive benefits. Other times the insurer may argue an applicant has misrepresented their illness on an application.

When you’re in no condition to resume working, and your financial resources have been cut off, you are likely to be tremendously concerned and this additional stress can setback your recovery even further.

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s disability and critical illness lawyers understand just how upsetting a disability benefit denial can be. If you live in Sarnia and your claim is rejected, our compassionate and caring team can help with your appeal and fight to get the benefits you need and deserve.

Experienced HSH lawyers is available to meet with you in your own home in the Sarnia area or at a nearby consultation office. Together, we can review your application and determine if additional evidence or expert reassessments can help bolster your claim. We hope to convince your insurer to offer a fair and just settlement, but HSH prepares court-ready cases to ensure your insurance provider knows we have the determination to escalate the legal process if our clients aren’t receiving the resources they need.

HSH disability and critical illness lawyers know that managing mental health and other serious medical conditions takes a lot of effort. As your legal advocates, we work on your behalf to ensure you have ability to concentrate on your well-being and recovery.

When your application for disability benefits in Sarnia have been unjustly denied, contact the trusted team at HSH. We’ll be by your side and on your side every step of the way.

Looking to work with a disability lawyer in Sarnia? Contact Us.

We service the City of Sarnia and Lambton District. When you think Disability Lawyer Sarnia, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a disability lawyer in Sarnia? Contact Us.

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Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine