Disability Lawyer London

Need legal advice about short- and long-term disabilities?
Our lawyers will meet with you in London.

Servicing London and all of Ontario

When a person has a condition that affects their mental health, one of the best things they can do is to talk about it – with their medical practitioner, with supportive family and friends, and especially with other people who may be experiencing the same sort of issue. London-based peer-support groups for conditions such as mood or anxiety disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress from workplace sexual harassment or assault, or chronic pain (fibromyalgia) try to provide a safe space where people can talk without judgment.

These people often find that they are being judged by other people in their lives – including insurance providers who must assess whether they should be granted disability benefits if their condition requires an extended leave of absence from work. If these assessors deny a deserving claim it can be emotionally and financially devastating.

Short-Term and Long-Term Disability

If a person has a group insurance plan (premiums are paid for by their employer or themselves) and they suffer from a medical condition that causes them to miss work beyond what regular sick days will cover, they may be able to receive short-term or long-term disability benefits. These benefits generally provide a portion (average 70%) of their normal income and cover additional health care costs while they’re away from the job.

Short-term disability benefits tend to last for periods of up to 15 weeks to a year and ordinarily require reports from a medical practitioner that explain the nature of the illness and the treatment a person is receiving. If a person is unable to return to work once this period ends, they may apply for long-term benefits. Insurance providers generally then facilitate additional independent evaluations, testing, and even put the applicant under surveillance to gather information before making a decision.

Legitimate Claims Can Be Unfairly Denied

When assessing disability claims, insurance providers must judge whether they believe the applicant is disabled, sufficiently disabled to qualify for benefits, or if they misrepresented their illness in a application. In cases where a disability is not clearly visible or where pain and debilitation is considered to be subjective, insurers may err in their judgment and deny the claim of a deserving applicant.

If your condition has been judged unfairly, Howie Sacks and Henry’s disability and critical illness lawyers can help you in London. Our team has extensive experience facing insurance providers who are reluctant or refuse to believe that your mental health or other complex illness or condition makes holding your regular job exceedingly difficult or impossible.

HSH disability and critical illness lawyers have developed the expertise to build strong and well-documented cases that can cause an insurer to reconsider their denial. We ensure our files are court-ready in case their offer to settle does not meet your needs.

Our compassionate, caring, and empathetic lawyers always treat our clients with the respect, dignity and understanding they deserve. We know the legal process can be stress and feel overwhelming, so we do our utmost to ensure you feel that we are always by your side and ready to support you and advocate on your behalf.

HSH disability and critical illness lawyers can arrange to meet you in your own home in the London area or at a nearby consultation office. We believe that distance should never be a barrier to high calibre legal representation.

If you have a disability that is preventing you from working, but your insurance provider is disputing or rejecting your claim, trust the HSH team to be there for you. Together, we’ll make every effort to get you the financial resources you need to help you manage your condition and improve your quality of life.

News You Can Use

London Peer Support Group: The London and Region Mood Disorder’s Self Help Group.” Get More Information on the Mood Disorders Website.

Looking to work with a disability lawyer in London? Contact Us.

We service the London and surrounding area, including Middlesex, Thames, and Strathroy counties. When you think Disability Lawyer London, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a disability lawyer in London? Contact Us.

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