Disability Lawyer Dryden

Need legal advice about short- and long-term disabilities?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Dryden.

Servicing Dryden and all of Ontario

Everyone in Dryden has experienced a gloomy day. The kind of day  when you wake up, look out the window and see a bleak and rainy day with dense fog rolling through the air. It’s difficult not to feel a little down when daylight is struggling to shine through and the cold air chills you to the bone. All you really want to do is curl up in bed and sleep the day away, but you push yourself to get up and head to work. As you struggle through, watching the clock ticking slowly, you know you are clearly not feeling your best. You console yourself that tomorrow will likely be a better day.

For a person experiencing depression, debilitating mental fog can make it feel as though they’re living through one long gloomy day. Sapped of energy, feeling alone, and in struggling to find a way out of a spiral of negative thoughts, it can be difficult to imagine that tomorrow will be any better.

Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Benefits: Healing Can Take Time

Managing the effects of depression, or other conditions such as mood and anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia (chronic pain), and post-traumatic stress disorder from workplace harassment or assault) can be a full-time job in itself. If a person is unable to continue working as they would normally during this time, they may be eligible to take a paid leave to focus their energy on their recovery. On the advice of a medical practitioner, an employee with a private insurance plan (premiums paid by the employer or employee) may receive short-term disability benefits for period of up to 15 weeks to a year.

These benefits, which include part or all of their regular earnings and additional health care benefits, can be drawn while an employee seeks treatment and creates a plan to return to the workplace. If an employee does not appear able to return to work as the short-term disability period ends, they may apply for long-term disability (LTD) benefits.

Insurance providers will usually require additional applications and independent medical assessments and testing before granting LTD benefits. They may also put an applicant under surveillance during the assessment process to help determine the extent of their disability.

If You’re Denied Benefits, We Can Help

Sadly, sometimes legitimate disability claims are denied if an insurer concludes an applicant is 1) not disabled, 2) not sufficiently disabled to qualify, 3) misrepresented their disability on an application. For example, a person suffering from depression who has been encouraged by their doctor to exercise, spend time with friends, and take part in enjoyable activities may be deemed able to return to work if an insurer’s surveillance report suggests their depressive state isn’t completely debilitating.

At Howie, Sacks, and Henry, we understand how devastating a disability benefits denial can be. When you are already feeling low, learning that your source of income and support will end can add immense stress and disrupt the healing process or your efforts to manage your mood.

Our Disability Lawyers Serve The Dryden Area

An HSH critical illness and disability lawyer can help with your disability benefits case in Dryden. Our team will treat you with the compassion, kindness, and attentive care you deserve as we navigate the appeal process together. With our knowledgeable and experienced lawyers on your side, you can be confident that you will have the expertise, advocacy and support you need. Our team has a strong reputation among insurers for bringing forward court-ready cases designed to encourage them to make settlement offers that will meet your needs. And if their offer isn’t fair, we have no hesitation presenting our case to a judge or jury.

An HSH critical illness and disability lawyer will be pleased to meet you in your own home in the Dryden area or at a nearby consultation office. We believe that distance or difficulty travelling should never be an obstacle to high quality legal representation.

A disability benefits denial or rejection letter is not the end. With an HSH critical illness and disability lawyer by your side and on your side in Dryden, we can seek the resources you need to ensure you can make your health and well-being your top priority.

Looking to work with a disability lawyer in Dryden? Contact Us.

We service the Kenora District, including Dryden, Kenora, Vermillion Bay, Fort Frances and surrounding areas. When you think Disability Lawyer Dryden, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

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Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine