Disability Lawyer Cobourg

Need legal advice about short- and long-term disabilities?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Cobourg.

Servicing Cobourg and all of Ontario

Living with a condition that causes chronic pain can be difficult to imagine for anyone who has not experienced it. People with a fibromyalgia diagnosis (widespread pain lasting more than three months) must contend with deep aches or sharp shooting pains, tender points on the body, fatigue, sleep problems and a brain fog that makes concentrating or remembering difficult.

Each symptom adds another burden for a person to carry while trying to get through the day. Sometimes, when the load is just too heavy to carry, the debilitating condition causes outright disability. While there is no single cure for fibromyalgia, holistic therapy options can often help people to manage their symptoms. But, the path to discovering the right combination of treatments can be long and full of trial and error.

People in Cobourg experiencing fibromyalgia and chronic pain, or other serious conditions such as mood and anxiety disorders, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder from a workplace sexual assault or harassment, may need to take some time off work while they learn how to manage their symptoms. Fortunately, if these people are covered by their employer’s or their own insurance policy, they may qualify for disability benefits while on leave.

Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Benefits

When regular sick days aren’t enough time to recover from a serious illness or medical condition, many insurance plans provide short-term disability benefits for periods of up to 15 weeks to a year. While on this short-term disability leave, an employee receives all (or most often a portion) of their normal earnings and has access to other health benefits. A medical practitioner’s reports on the nature of the illness and ongoing treatment options are usually enough to satisfy insurance provider requirements.

If an employee is unlikely to be able to return to work at the end of this period, they can apply for long-term disability benefits. Qualifying for LTD benefits can be more difficult, as an insurance providers will typically require independent medical evaluations, additional tests and may even put an applicant under surveillance while they consider an application.

Sadly, sometimes these benefits are denied to deserving people because an insurer decides the applicant is not disabled, not sufficiently disabled to qualify, or misrepresented their illness. Denials for ‘invisible disabilities’ that are harder to observe or where pain levels are deemed to be subjective happen all to frequently.

When You’re Denied, Don’t Lose Hope

Being unable to return to work and losing your main source of income can be incredibly frightening. There are ways to appeal this decision, however.

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s disability and critical illness lawyers can help you when your disability benefits claim has been denied in Cobourg. Our experienced and knowledgeable team has the expertise to handle cases involving complex medical conditions.

HSH disability and critical illness lawyers are able to meet with you in your own home in Cobourg and surrounding areas or at a local consultation office to listen to your story and discuss your options. We know the legal process can feel overwhelming, so we make sure to address all your concerns with compassion, empathy and understanding.

As your advocates, HSH disability and critical illness lawyers will work with insurance providers in hopes of negotiating a settlement that meets your needs. And we have no fear about proceeding to court if they don’t make a fair offer because we know we build strong cases.

If you’ve been denied disability benefits in Cobourg, trust the team at HSH to be your legal representatives. Together, we will seek the resources you need to assist in your recovery or in managing your ongoing disability.

News You Can Use

Cobourg Doctor Explores Mind-Body Connection.” Read the Article on NorthumberlandNews.com

NHH Expert in Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management Uses Telemedicine to Bring Patients Relief from Chronic Pain.” Read More on the Northumberland Hills Hospital Website.

First Chronic Pain Workshop Comes to Northumberland.” Read the Article on NorthumberlandNews.com

Looking to work with a disability lawyer in Cobourg? Contact Us.

We service the Cobourg and surrounding area, including Port Hope and Northumberland County. When you think Disability Lawyer Cobourg, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a disability lawyer in Cobourg? Contact Us.

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