Disability Lawyer Brantford

Need legal advice about short- and long-term disabilities?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Brantford.

Servicing Brantford and all of Ontario

People living in Brantford report having “quite a lot of stress” in their day-to-day lives – more so than any other census metropolitan area in the country listed in Statistics Canada’s Health Indicator community profile. The data doesn’t explain while almost 3 in 10 residents feel very stressed on an average day, but we do know that the toll this kind of stress can take on a person’s health can be high.

Prolonged periods of stress can be especially detrimental to people with certain mental and physical health concerns, including mood and anxiety disorders, depression, and chronic pain (fibromyalgia). In some cases, high stress levels in persons with these conditions may cause symptoms that make it extremely difficult or impossible to continue working.

Disability Benefits When You Take A Leave

Fortunately, there are many ways a person can reduce stress and improve their mental and physical health. But, this recovery can take time. If your medical condition requires you to take time off work beyond what’s permitted by your employer’s regular sick day policy, you may qualify for financial support for an extended leave through disability benefits.

Group insurance plans (where premiums are paid by either your employer or the individual) may permit an employee to receive some or all of their normal income and additional health care benefits for period of up to 15 weeks to a year. These short-term disability benefits usually require reports about your condition and the treatment of its symptoms from your medical practitioner.

Sometimes an employee is able to return to work after a short-term leave. But if, at the end of this period, it appears that an immediate return to work is not possible, an insurance provider may arrange additional independent evaluations, tests, and assessments as you apply for long-term disability (LTD) benefits.

If Your Claim Is Denied, There Is Still Hope

Insurance providers can make the wrong call when they review disability benefits applications. They may deny claims to deserving applicants if they determine a person is not disabled, not sufficiently disabled to qualify for benefits, or was not accurately representing the nature of their illness on an application. Some policies also require a person to meet a very high threshold of disability – meaning they must not be able to do their regular job or any other reasonable type of work in order to receive financial resources.

Learning that you’ve been denied the disability benefits you need to support yourself and your loved ones will certainly add to the severe stress you are already experiencing – especially if it’s clear that returning to work will be detrimental to your well-being and recovery.

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s disability and critical illness lawyers are ready to help you if your claim for benefits has been denied in Brantford. Our team has years of experience assisting people with complex medical conditions to access the resources they need.

Our team is able to meet with you in your own home in Brantford or at a nearby consultation office to listen to your story, advise what kinds of additional evidence will strengthen your claim, and facilitate the expert assessment you may need to help your appeal.

We know the legal process can feel overwhelming – especially when focussing on improving your health can take so much of your time and energy. As your trusted advocates, we’re here to support you every step of the way. With compassion, care, and empathy, we will ensure you know that we are a dedicated part of your support team and that we will never see you as just another case.

Our reputation for professionalism, diligence and client-focused work has helped HSH to be recognized as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms for years. And insurance providers are well aware that HSH disability and critical illness lawyers are willing to go to court if they don’t make a fair settlement offer that meets our clients’ needs.

If you live in Brantford and have been unfairly denied disability benefits, trust HSH to represent you. Together, we will work to get you the resources you need and deserve for your well-being and recovery.

Looking to work with a disability lawyer in Brantford? Contact Us.

We service Brantford, Brant County, and the surrounding area. When you think Disability Lawyer Brantford, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a disability lawyer in Brantford? Contact Us.

Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine