Birth Injury Lawyer Windsor

It’s never too late to find out why.
Our Windsor Birth Injury lawyers can help you get answers.

Servicing Windsor and all of Ontario

The first time you set eyes on your newborn baby, what will you notice before anything else? Perhaps the child’s tiny fingers and toes, or a surprising full head of hair, or maybe beautiful eyes straining to open and look at this strange new world. Many new parents will notice something slightly alarming – a yellowish colour to their skin and the whites of their eyes.

Jaundice is very common in newborns (especially in premature births). It often quickly clears up on its own as the baby’s liver matures and is able to process excess bilirubin in the blood. Other times minor, non-invasive treatment is needed. But if jaundice persists or worsens, it can lead to a condition called kernicterus and cause neurotoxicity that seriously injuries a baby’s brain.

Obstetricians and other attending medical staff should know when jaundice requires treatment or monitoring. If their negligent actions or inaction breaches standards of care leads to serious harm to the baby, it’s called obstetrical malpractice; and it have devastating consequences.

Common birth injuries

A birth injury can occur at any time during a pregnancy, labour or delivery or immediately following a birth. Some of these injuries are caused by circumstances that are unavoidable. However, there are times when a medical provider’s negligence leads to otherwise preventable injuries that may cause permanent disability or death.

Obstetrical malpractice can occur if a healthcare practitioner is not properly monitoring maternal or fetal health during a pregnancy. Symptoms such as fetal tachycardia (abnormally fast fetal heart rate), for example, can be an indication of fetal distress due to maternal hyperthyroidism, maternal medications, maternal or in utero infections, in utero hypoxia, fetal anaemia among other concerns. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can prevent injuries that cause conditions such as cerebral palsy.

Other common birth injuries can result from perinatal asphyxia (oxygen deprivation before, during or after birth), meconium aspiration (first fecal matter ingested into a baby’s lungs), placental insufficiency (damage to the placenta preventing oxygen or nutrients to pass to the fetus), shoulder dystocia (if the baby’s brachial plexus is damaged due to birth position behind a mother’s pelvic bone), and spinal cord injuries, scarring or broken bones and nerve damage from forced extractions or other factors.

When You Or Your Baby Has Been Hurt, We Can Help

Whether a birth injury is immediately evident or begins to show its full effects over time, the damage cause by obstetrical malpractice can be severe and the resulting disabilities can last a lifetime. Howie, Sacks and Henry’s birth injury lawyers are available to help you in Windsor if you or a loved one has been harmed by a medical provider’s negligence.

As one of Canada’s top personal injury firms, HSH understands that victims of these actions require financial resources for their rehabilitation and recovery and deserve compensation for their pain and suffering. An HSH birth injury lawyer will be pleased to meet you in your own home in the Windsor area or at a nearby consultation office to listen to your story, to offer advice on your legal options, and to help arrange for tests, assessments and therapies that will support your case.

We understand how overwhelming and intimidating the legal process can seem – especially at a time when you may still be coming to terms with what your child’s injury means to your family’s future. HSH birth lawyers bring compassion and attentive care to every interaction with our clients. We want to ensure you never feel as though you’re just a file to us. We endeavour to treat you with the respect, dignity and empathy you need and deserve.

As your advocate, HSH birth injury lawyers bring their extensive knowledge, skill and expertise to this complex area of law to serve you in a way where your best interests are always front and centre. If you or your loved one has sustained a serious birth injury that you believe was caused by a medical provider’s negligence, trust the team at HSH to help you. With HSH birth injury lawyers on your side and by your side in Windsor, you will know you have a strong legal support team working to ensure there are better days ahead.

Looking to work with a birth injury lawyer in Windsor? Contact Us.

We serve the Windsor and surrounding areas. When you think Birth Injuries Lawyer Windsor, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a birth injury lawyer in Windsor? Contact Us.

Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine