Disability Lawyer Belleville

Need legal advice about short- and long-term disabilities?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Belleville.

Servicing Belleville and all of Ontario

A national magazine once reported that Belleville had the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of sexual assaults in Canada. A local police chief suggested at the time that a high level of reporting was not in itself a reason to believe Belleville had many more sexual assaults than other cities; rather, he said the community’s local Sexual Assault Centre’s tremendous capacity for providing support and therapy created an environment where more survivors felt safe enough to come forward.

In recent years the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have worked to destigmatize reporting sexual assaults and harassment, including situations that occur in the workplace, in hopes of encouraging more survivors to be open about their experiences and to seek the support they need. Nevertheless, sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes in Canada, and people who have experienced sexual assault and/or harassment can feel alone and isolated in the aftermath of an assault. If the person responsible for this abuse is an employer or fellow employee, it can create a unsafe work space that may trigger post-traumatic stress disorder and/or anxiety following these incidents

Needing Time To Recover

Like people with other mental health concerns (including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive states and depression) or people with chronic pain (fibromyalgia), these survivors may need to take time away from work to devote to their recovery and managing symptoms.

A survivor of sexual assault or harassment in the workplace may qualify for disability benefits from an employer’s or their own insurance policy. Short-term leaves (of up to 15 weeks to a year) and long-term disability provide a person with all, or most often a portion, of their usual earnings as they seek treatment and recovery plans. Reports from a person’s medical practitioner are usually required for short-term leaves, while an insurance provider often mandates additional applications and evaluations for longer-term absences.

A Denial Can Be Challenged

Insurance companies may deny disability benefits if their review of applications and medical evidence suggests to them that a person is: not disabled, not sufficiently disabled, or misrepresented their medical conditions, among other reasons. Learning that a legitimate claim has been denied can feel as though you are being victimized all over again. But there is hope.

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s disability and critical illness lawyers have the experience and expertise to help you appeal claim denials in Belleville. As your legal advocates, we will support you in building a case designed to provide access to the benefits you deserve despite an initial denial. And we are not afraid to meet your insurance provider in court if they don’t offer a fair a just settlement to meet your needs.

Our trusted team of disability and critical illness lawyers will gladly meet you in your home in Belleville, Quinte, Prince Edward County and the surrounding area or at a local consultation office to listen to your story, offer support and encourage, and to provide well-informed advice on how to proceed.

HSH lawyers have developed a well-known reputation for the care and compassion we bring to interactions with clients. In times of incredible stress and uncertainty, you can be confident that we take the time to ensure you feel safe and secure with your legal representatives and advocates. You are never just a case to us; you are a person who deserves to be treated with the utmost respect, dignity and sensitivity.

If your claim for disability benefits has been unjustly denied, contact the team at HSH. We are ready to be your advocate in Belleville.

Looking to work with a disability lawyer in Belleville? Contact Us.

We service the Belleville and surrounding area, including Prince Edward County, Trenton/Quinte West, Brighton, and Napanee. When you think Disability Lawyer Belleville, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a disability lawyer in Belleville? Contact Us.

Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine