Disability Lawyer Barrie

Need legal advice about short- and long-term disabilities?
Our lawyers will meet with you in Barrie.

Servicing Barrie and all of Ontario

More than one in five Barrie residents of working age report having “quite a lot” of life stress according to Statistics Canada’s Health Indicator community profile. Although stress is a normal body reaction to perceived threats and danger, being in an almost constant state of stress can be quite damaging to our mental and physical health.

Stress can often aggravate other medical conditions, such as anxiety and mood disorders, depression, chronic pain (fibromyalgia) and post-traumatic stress disorder caused by workplace sexual harassment or assault. While there are many coping mechanisms, strategies and treatments to help people minimize stress in their day-to-day lives and return to a state of good health, sometimes an extended period of rest and recovery are necessary.

Workplace Disability Benefits

When a critical illness or medical condition prevents a person from working, they may qualify for short-term or long-term disability benefits. Group insurance policies (paid for by an employer or by an individual) often provide an employee with a portion or all of their regular income and other health benefits for short-term leaves of up to 15 weeks to a year on the advice of their medical practitioner.

During this period, insurance providers typically require reports and explanations of treatment plans from a person’s medical practitioner. If, at the end of this time, a person is still unlikely to be able to return to the workplace, they may be able to apply for long-term disability benefits. Generally an insurer requires more documentation to provide LTD, including independent medical evaluations, assessment and testing.

When Applications Are Denied, Don’t Lose Hope

Unfortunately, deserving applicants who are in no condition to be able to return to work can be denied these benefits if an insurer concludes they are not disabled, not sufficiently disabled to qualify for benefits, or that they misrepresented their illness on application forms. For a person already trying to manage the health effects of high stress levels, being cut off from the financial resources they need only makes things worse.

Howie, Sacks and Henry’s disability and critical illness lawyers can help you if your disability benefits claim has been denied in Barrie. Our team has extensive experience handling claims involving complex and debilitating medical conditions. HSH lawyers have gained a strong reputation for building well-prepared, court-ready cases that encourage insurance providers to make fair and just settlement offers.

If your medical condition makes travelling difficult, HSH lawyers will be pleased to meet with you in your own home in the Barrie area or at a nearby consultation office. Distance should never be an obstacle to access high quality legal representation.

HSH’s disability and critical illness lawyers understand how overwhelming the legal process can seem – particularly when you’re already feeling unwell. Our compassionate and caring team always strives to make sure you never feel as though you are just a case to us. We treat you with the respect, dignity and attention you deserve.

If your disability benefits claim has been rejected in Barrie, trust the team at HSH to help. We will advocate for your needs and work with you to appeal your insurer’s unfair decision.

Looking to work with a disability lawyer in Barrie? Contact Us.

We service Barrie and Simcoe County. When you think Disability Lawyer Barrie, Think Howie, Sacks & Henry.

Looking for a disability lawyer in Barrie? Contact Us.

Among the best in Canada

Since 2011, our peers have consistently voted for us as one of Canada’s top personal injury firms in Canadian Lawyer magazine’s annual rankings of the top personal injury boutiques in Canada.

Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP – Award – Canadian Lawyer Magazine